So here is where I stand now. I am currently 16 weeks out from the 2008 Junior Nationals in Chicago. This is a National Level NPC show in which they will be awarding IFBB Pro Cards (this means one is no longer considered an "amateur" in the sport, but a professional...whole new ball game). I requalified to compete in National Level shows 10 months after Kenden was born in the Va. State Figure Show by winning my height class and tying for the overall title. I am excited about the upcoming season, yet apprehensive at the same time. Marcus Haley (IFBB Pro Bodybuilder) is my trainer this year and I am very thrilled to be working with him. He is very encouraging and positive and this is refreshing.
Here's where the apprehension/nerves/worry comes in...this week was rough. I have been holding weight, despite the fact that I am doing everything I should be doing (minus the agility b/c it has been soooooo darn cold and/or rainy that I haven't had the chance to get outside). Hopefully this will rectify itself this week, as the weather is supposed to improve and be warm outside. I also need to get in all my meals...tough to do with a 2 year old running all over God's creation, but I will make my best effort to do this, as it will speed my metabolism up the way it should be. Cardio has been going well, for once. I usually tend to slack in that arena, but since I have to get up early anyway with Kenden and because I HAVE to makeup for the agility I have been missing out on (sometimes I am doing it 2 times a day).
I am a worrier by nature, and I hope as the weight comes off, this too shall pass. So, here are the pics from this week. Definitely far from "stage shape" but not too terrible. I have also included pics of how I need to look (they are 3 days away from the state show I did in 2006). As you can see in the pics, I am still thick through my midsection, and of course my legs and butt. Story of my life. I guess you could call me a work in progress!
16 Weeks Out From 2008 Junior Nationals



2006 Va. State Figure Medium Height Class 1st Place (Qualified to Compete in National Level Shows). This is more like what I NEED to look like. Thank goodness for the gift of time, that is all I can say.

Okay, I am going to close for now since I have officially given myself a reality check and scared the crap out of myself. I will continue to update every couple of days on how I am feeling, etc, and post pics weekly!
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