Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Cardio Baby! Walk, Walk, Walk...

I guess you could say today was a major cardio day! Jeff's car had a nail in the tire, and with him being out of town, I was on my own to figure out how to get the car up to Kramer Tires and get back home....AH HA! Cardio opportunity! Load up the jogging stroller, drive car to Kramer, walk home! It is almost a 2 mile walk...bear in mind that I would have to do this trip BACK up there again in the evening to get the car once it was done!

So off Kenden and I went...dropped the car off, started walking, stopped at the park...then did it again at 4:00 this evening to get the car! I am all "cardio-ed" out!! I was high steppin it, too!

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